Monday, August 31, 2009

The seventh commandment is about more than not cheating

"You shall not commit adultery," (Exodus 20:14) is the seventh commandment God gives to Moses at Mt. Sinai. This commandment prohibits the act of sex by a married person with anyone other than their spouse. The adultery addressed in this commandment is different than the act of fornication, which is defined as sex between single people and also prohibited by God. The seventh commandment refers to adultery as it relates to married couples.

By stating this command so clearly, God forces his followers to face the fact that...

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Thursday, August 27, 2009

There is more to the command "You shall not murder" than the taking of another man's life

"You shall not murder," (Exodus 20:13) is the sixth commandment God gives to Moses at Mt. Sinai. The principle behind this commandment is that human life is holy, because it is a gift from God. This commandment defines murder as the malicious and unlawful killing of another man who has been made in God's image. 

Life is precious in God's sight. He alone creates it and ends it according to his will and plan. Because of this...

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How the commandment "Honor Thy Father and Mother" reveals God's love for family

"Honor Thy Father and Mother," (Exodus 20:12) is the fifth commandment God gives to Moses at Mt. Sinai. This commandment is significant because it reveals the importance of family to God. Since God is Jesus' Heavenly Father, he is also father to all those who profess faith in and follow his Son. Family life is important to God because he himself is a father and loves all his children dearly.

As a result, family life is part of God's plan for the world and for most individuals. It serves as the basic societal and spiritual unit of society. In societies and nations where family life is deteriorating...

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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Keeping The Sabbath Holy

"Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy," (Exodus 20:8) is the fourth commandment given by God to Moses at Mt. Sinai. In our culture, Sunday is usually referred to as the Sabbath Day. Sometimes we think of it as a day of rest, but more often than not, we use it as a day to catch up on chores or work or errands before the work week begins again, with possibly church and some leisure activities squeezed in. Yet, we are commanded to keep it holy, but how?

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Monday, August 17, 2009

Not taking the Lord's name in vain

"You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain," (Exodus 20:7) is the third commandment given by God to Moses on Mt. Sinai. Often when we hear this command, we assume it prohibits using God's name as a swear word, which it does, because to do so would be the opposite of worshiping and honoring God. 

But this command is about more than just bad language or using God's name in vain... 

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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Following the second commandment: Is our image of God accurate or idolatry?

"You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth below," (Exodus 20:4) is the second commandment that God gives to Moses on Mt. Sinai. This commandment forbids creating and worshiping idols or images. 

But if we look deeper, this commandment is also addressing our own personal image of God. Believers and non-believers alike have a tendency to create an idea of God in their minds that, while partially true, may not be biblically accurate. If the image of God that we create in our imagination is the one we worship, could that be a form of idolatry?  

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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

How do we obey the first commandment?

The 10 Commandments were given by God as a blueprint for his children on how human life should be lived. When giving the 10 Commandments to Moses on Mt. Sinai, God did not start lightly or ease him into them. Instead, the first commandment sets the tone for all the others that follow. God tells Moses, "You shall have no other gods before me." (Exodus 20:3) But what does it truly mean to have nothing before God in our life?
When I think of the first commandment...

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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Losing Our Children's Literature Heritage

I have just learned about the new law banning all children's books printed before 1985 because they may be unsafe and lead to lead poisoning. All ideological and political positions aside, how absurd. Vintage children's books are unsafe for children? Right.

The heartbreaking thing is that none of these books can now be sold, and will be disposed of as trash. A wealth of literature and reading material that would be wonderful for children to read will be destroyed. Books that are out of print will be lost forever if they happen to be published before 1985. And the effect of small book dealers and libraries will be tremendous. Many wonderful and charming books will be removed and lost from our local libraries forever. 

There are many books that I loved as child which are now out of print that I look for in thrift and antique stores. No longer. These books are so dangerous and toxic that the government must step in and keep them away from our children, and in the process it will destroy our nation's long heritage of children's literature. 

Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Ugandan American Partnership Organization

Have you ever felt like the world was too big and you were too small to make a difference? Have you ever thought that you were just one person, so what could you do to significantly help others?

Brittany Merrill, a local Atlanta woman, proves that even one person can make a difference. While teaching literature in the summer of 2004 in Uganda, she had the opportunity to travel to nearby villages. Brittany met local people and learned of their struggles to provide for the many orphans in their country. Based on this experience, she founded the Ugandan American Partnership Organization. 

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