Monday, February 16, 2009


No father can train his children unless they are obedient. No teacher can teach a child who continues to disobey him. No general can lead his soldiers to victory without prompt obedience. Pray that God will imprint this lesson on your heart: the life of faith is a life of obedience.  As Christ lived in obedience to the Father, so we, too need obedience for a life in the love of God.

But so many people think, "I cannot be obedient; it is impossible." Yes, impossible to you, but not to God. He has promised to "cause you to walk in His statutes." (Ezekiel 36:27)

Let your fellowship with the Father and with the Lord Jesus Christ have this as its one aim: a life of quiet, determined, unquestioning obedience.

God's Best Secrets by Andrew Murray

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