Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Rediscovering Holiness

Holiness means, among other things, forming good habits, breaking bad habits, resisting temptations to sin, and controlling yourself when provoked. No one ever managed to do any of these things without effort and conflict. How do we form the Christ-like habits which Paul calls the fruit of the Spirit?  By setting ourselves, deliberately, to do the Christ-like thing in each situation...

Love as the Christ-like reaction to people's malice
Joy as the Christ-like reaction to depressing circumstances
Peace as the Christ-like reaction to troubles, threats, and invitations to anxiety
Patience as the Christ-like reaction to all that is maddening
Kindness as the Christ-like reaction to all who are unkind
Goodness as the Christ-like reaction to bad people and bad behavior
Faithfulness and Gentleness as the Christ-like reaction to lies and fury
Self-control as the Christ-like reaction to every situation that goads you to lose your cool and hit out.

Rediscovering Holiness by J.I.Packer

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