Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Five Silent Years of Corrie Ten Boom

The quotes from Friday and Monday made me think of a good book I read a long time ago, The Five Silent Years Of Corrie Ten Boom. I am a little surprised that it is still in print, because it is a fairly old book. 

It chronicles the end of Corrie's life when she had been disabled by a stroke and yet how she still had a powerful ministry even though she was limited physically and was unable to communicate verbally. If you are ever feeling discouraged or down about your circumstances and not sure where God is leading you, just know that God knows you inside and out and knows what is best for you. It may not make sense, but He is still there, leading you and loving you, working behind the scenes in ways you cannot even imagine. He has a plan for each of our lives, and "though He slay me, I will trust in Him."

*If you have never read The Hiding Place which is Corrie Ten Boom's autobiography about her family hiding Jews in their home from the Nazis and then her imprisonment in several concentration camps, you are missing out. It is an awesome book.

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