Thursday, June 4, 2009

Change Agents For Christ

You and I are not meant to act like pre-resurrection disciples, racked with fear, doubt, and timidity. We are post-resurrection disciples, and if we are to live like post-resurrection disciples, everything in our lives must change. The question for us is whether we are willing to make that commitment - to live and act differently, and to repair the hole in our own gospel. If we are, then God will use us as parts of His amazing plan to change the world. 

But becoming this kind of disciple, one who is determined to be the gospel to the the world around him, involves intentional decision. It doesn't just happen. Any of us who have ever been on a diet or embarked on an exercise regimen know that fitness and weight loss don't just happen. They require us to make a choice and then change our behaviors in deliberate ways - it cannot be "business as usual." And it's not easy. The same is true of discipleship. We won't really become change agents for Christ just by going to church every Sunday. We will have to make some "on purpose" life choices and then change our priorities and behavior. Only then can God transform us and use us to change the world. 

The Hole In Our Gospel, Rich Stearns

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