Friday, October 23, 2009

Jon Gosselin: A man of many women and many faiths

Jon Gosselin has rediscovered his Jewish roots. In a recent interview with, Jon discussed his girlfriend Hailey Glassman and claimed to be half Jewish. "Hailey is Jewish. Everyone in my life now is Jewish, my attorney. I love it. I am now half Jewish and half Korean."

As a fan of Jon and Kate Plus Eight, I can't help but remember the many references on the show by the Gosselins to their Christian faith. There were the bible verses taped to the walls of their home and the episodes chronicling them attending church as a family. Several of their daughter's middle names are even fruits of the Holy Spirit. 

Throughout the first four seasons, Jon and Kate appeared to be committed Christians. Their marriage wasn't perfect (anyone could see that) and their life wasn't perfect. It was full of stress and tension, but also joy and happiness, which is part of what made Jon and Kate so popular. They seemed to be like the rest of us...

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