Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Dying To Self

To die to self is to live to others and to God. In my experience that sort of daily dying makes two requirements on you. One, that you come to your brothers and sisters accepting your own brokenness. Not fearless and tearless, not unscarred and unshaken. Quite the contrary: you are a wounded healer, dreadfully vulnerable. In giving life to others, you die a little each time, each day. Two, you have to destroy the smallness in you, the narrowness that plagues human living - where you are all wrapped up in yourself, where all that matters is what you want and what you need, your own little hurts and secret joys. No! The drama of Holy Week cries No. If you are risen with Christ, then for the love of Christ, live a risen life! Think big and love lots. Against all the odds, you will even feel better. 

The Relentless Tenderness of Jesus, Brennan Manning

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